Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ready, Set, WRITE !

"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov

Things were getting better and better this week. The feeling of laziness somehow unfold. It feels great to let things a little busy but in the end of the week, it turns out to be a little bit exhausting.

Another week had just passed by. The everyday routine seems pretty usual. What made it different was that, it's time to grab a pen and a paper and get ready for more writing. We tackled about writing the essay on how we can expand it and the basic essay structure such as introduction, body, and conclusion; we tackled about reaction and research paper, too. It can help us as a guidance for our research paper and any writings in the discipline form. Since we are required to make a research paper, it gives us some tips about the research process.

Writing a research paper is a lot of hard work, it takes time and patience. It really needs a lot of interrogation so that we can prove about what we are trying to prove.

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